The VitraFix VFM range is a Magnelis steel subframe system designed for use as either a standard helping hand style system (VFM-HH), or more commonly a floor-spanning carrier system (VFM-FS).
With the system being produced from Magnelis Steel, this is not only deemed non-combustible under the European Directive, but has a much higher melting point than standard aluminium systems: 1425-1540 °C vs 660 °C.
The high melting point of the VitraFix VFM system has the advantage of greatly resisting fire attack, which helps to increase the overall performance of the rainscreen facade system.
Magnelis has a conductivity of 17 W/(mK) compared to aluminium at around 160 W/(mK); this helps to either allow a reduction of insulation depths while maintaining the same U Value or maintain the same insulation depth and enhance the thermal performance of the building.