Valcan Proud to Achieve CCPI Verified Status

Valcan are proud to announce that we have now achieved the Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) Verified Status and for VitraDual 5754 Grade Products, following on from Valcan passing the CCPI Organisation Assessment stage of the verification process back in September 2023.

The Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) was created to promote an urgent and positive culture and behaviour change in the way the construction product manufacturing industry manages and provides information on their products. The CCPI was initiated by the Construction Product Association (CPA) as a direct response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety set up in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

The aim of the CCPI is to raise standards in construction product information and move the industry to a place where product information is clear, accurate, accessible, up-to-date and unambiguous and that clients, specifiers and users will insist on only working with products that conform to CCPI.

The CCPI Assessment and Verification Event in Sept '23
VitraDual 5754 Grade products CCPI

There are two separate Codes – one for Manufacturers and the other for Merchants & Distributors. For Manufacturers there are eleven Clauses of the CCPI which cover a wide range of matters from responsibility for product information, to accuracy of and clarity of performance claims made, general information and competency.

Valcan and our VitraDual products have undergone a thorough assessment process to achieve CCPI Verified Status. This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality Product Information that prioritizes product and building safety.

By obtaining this status, we can assure the public, clients, users, and specifiers that our products meet stringent standards and have been thoroughly assessed for compliance. This verification process not only enhances our credibility but also reinforces our dedication to transparency and accountability in the construction industry.

VitraDual is the first of our products that have achieved CCPI verification and as we are committed to ensuring that all Valcan products meet the same high standards, our Ceramapanel A1 Fibre Cement Panels is going through the same rigorous verification process in the coming months.

Customers can trust that Valcan products have been rigorously evaluated and adhere to the highest levels of quality and safety standards.


Valcan is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and all products sold are fully recyclable
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